Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Saturday Game...

An oddity, everyone - special 3 PM game this week so my original inspiration has the opportunity to come out with us! Yes, folks, the UltiMrs' brother, Jason, will be here to show us what happens to one who plays for TOO LONG. You get old and battered before your time, needing knee braces (no offense, Ron) to play and generally having to rely on craftiness to get by instead of athleticism - oh, wait... Ummm. That's my issue...

Anyway, though younger than yours truly, Jason's been playing more years and still loves the sport so there must be something going on.

Come on out and have some fun! Looks like the high of 85 is going to be cooler than the rest of the upcoming ten days so let's take advantage.

Peace, my ultiminions,

1 comment:

  1. Well by golly, I remember a time way back in 1997, or maybe it was 1999...anyways, when it was even hotter than 85 degrees, and we still played ultimate, just because we loved it. And that was even after we walked 12 miles just to get to the fields, uphill(!), without shoes, and in the snow! You see, we were crazy. Those were the days.
    Looking forward to meeting y'all on Saturday!
